Avoiding Remodeling Mishaps


Avoiding Remodeling MishapsSummer's generally agreeable weather and extended daylight hours in Illinois make it an ideal season to tackle renovations, remodels, and other household fix-its. Still, these projects aren't without inherent challenges and risks. A little due diligence at the onset can do much to minimize unhappy surprises and make for successful, stress-free (or, at least, as close as it gets) renovations.

  1. Dial 811 before you dig. Flooding and electrical issues comprise some of the most common, problematic, and costly remodeling mishaps. No one wants a swimming pool for a basement, backyard electrocution, or raw sewage fertilizer. To avoid, always call 811 - the underground utility service line that notifies necessary utilities of impending work - a few days before you intend to dig. Companies can then send out service personnel to mark lines, preventing problems before they begin.
  2. Protective gear can mean all the difference in situations of predictable exposure and the unfortunate accidents that seem par for any renovation course, so suit up. Maybe you're painting or installing carpeting, perhaps you're demolishing an old wall to make way for a new open concept, or maybe you're just lucky enough to uncover a delightful vermin infestation or a wasp nest, step on a nail, or reveal mold growth behind that old shower. Lead, asbestos, mold, and high-VOC materials are all toxic, dangerous, and can have long-term impacts on health. Donning full-coverage clothing; hard-soled, close-toed shoes; and protective masks, headsets, and eyewear can keep you safe and healthy during the demo or painting. And, in cases of larger renovations where exposures or infestations are of concern, hire a professional: They have tools for that.
  3. Speaking of mold, be sure to consider proper ventilation in all bathroom and kitchen remodels, both during the remodel and in the final layout. Both spaces are notoriously poorly ventilated, paving the way for science experiments only your children will find exciting. When cleaning up mold blooms, wear a mask and do your best to move spore-laden air out of living spaces as efficiently as possible. While you're at it, make sure you don't recreate the same mess for the next do-it-yourselfer by planning for ventilation needs and installing necessary fans - most experts recommend one 100 CFM (cubic feet per minute) fan per appliance - and windows where possible.
  4. Avoid the temptation to save money by cutting corners, going with the cheapest products and providers, or skimping on the budget. You get what you pay for and your home should be the last place you apply penny-pinching frugality. Ask around, check out business reviews, and consult with local interior design and home stores for recommendations on products and services, carefully weighing budget against bid and reputation. Set aside a portion of the total project budget for problems: they're going to happen and it's always better to be prepared. While you're at it, if flooring changes are in the plan, order extra to make up for cuts, breakage, and loss; you'll need it.
  5. Finally, manage expectations and expect the unexpected. Unless your renovation is intended to end in tears, divorce, or dismemberment, take time to rest. Breathe deeply anywhere except areas of mold growth, asbestos, and VOCs - laugh at the mistakes, take accidents in stride, and, when all else fails, take your frustrations out with a sledgehammer.

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